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Estudio de factibilidad de creación de maestrías en la Escuela de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de El Salvado
(Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, 1992-01) Majano Villatoro, Janeth de Jesús; Monrroy Campos, Rene Orlando; Presa Rivas, Oscar Atilio; Viale Cruz, Jorge Ernesto; Sorto, José Mario; Rodríguez Rivera, Raúl;;;;
El presente trabajo contiene, contiene el desarrollo de las etapas necesarias para llevar a cabo un estudio completo de factibilidad de creación de maestrías en la Escuela de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de El Salvador. en la primera etapa se definen los objetivos que se persiguen con la propuesta, los alcances y limitaciones que regularan todo el estudio. una segunda etapa la constituye en su totalidad el estudio de mercado, cuyo desarrollo estará basado en un análisis de muestreo, en l siguiente etapa se analiza todos los factores internos y externos de la Universidad de El Salvador e instituciones de educación superior. Se define la oferta que se pretende dar, se definen las alternativas probables, determinándose que la Maestría en Ingeniería Estructural es la que mas se adapta a las necesidades y desarrollo del pais. Se define el anteproyecto del programa de la maestría en el cual se incluye el perfil del mismo
Estado nutricional de pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiovascular en el hospital nacional de niños Benjamín Bloom durante el período de Enero a Diciembre 2019.
(Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad de Medicina, 2022-12) Morán Abrego, Andrea Elisa; Guzmán Flores, Luis José;
En los pacientes pediátricos ingresados en unidades de cuidados intensivos, la malnutrición puede ser un problema preexistente, manifestarse al ingreso o desarrollarse de forma evolutiva; en el caso de los pacientes con malformaciones cardiovasculares congénitas, esta malnutrición es favorecida por el estado hipercatabólico e hipermetabólico que su enfermedad condiciona. Para identificar el estado nutricional del paciente, existen parámetros destinados a su valoración. Sin embargo, su aplicación en los pacientes hospitalizados es difícil, debido a que la interpretación de los resultados se encuentra alterada por los cambios originados debido a la enfermedad aguda y a las medidas terapéuticas aplicadas.
Criterios básicos para el análisis y diseño de obras de protección en proyectos de urbanización
(Universidad de el Salvador. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, 1992-01) Córdova Velásquez, Carlos Atilio; Fuentes Cabrera, Fernando Antonio; Zelaya Martinez, Carolina; Nosiglia Duran, Luis Rodolfo; Melara Ruiz, Enrique Edgardo;;;
Se realiza un estudio para elaborar un documento que establezca criterios básicos para el análisis y diseño, tanto geotécnico como estructural de obras de protección mas utilizadas en los proyectos de urbanización en el AMSS. Se identifican los diferentes tipos de obras de protección y contención del suelo, como son : taludes, ademes y muros. Se identifican algunos métodos empleados para la protección de taludes: revestimientos naturales y artificiales Se determina la vinculación que existe entre las características geotécnicas y el comportamiento estructural de la obra como repuesta a dicha interacción
The importance of collaborative learning in online education
(Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-05-15) Sánchez Salmerón, Celina Esmeralda; Campos Morales, Dennis Josué; Vargas de Martínez, Sofía Lorena; Ramírez Hernández, Karla Raquel; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Miguel Ángel Carranza Campos;;
The purpose of this report is aimed to know what the Importance of Collaborative Learning in Online Education is. Collaborative learning has changed the learning environment in many positive ways. Teamwork and collaboration are essential in Today´s School. The team used all the online tools in a collaborative process to achieve the objectives and applications used during the three modules developed in the specialization “Administration of Virtual Environments for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning”. An important aspect is that by working collaboratively, students have the opportunity to develop their own ideas, sharing their opinions and creating their own learning. During this specialization the team practiced with all the online tools and applications that were learned during every session besides the different activities that allowed to work collaboratively and, as a benefit, it allowed to better understand the use of each online tool. By practicing activities collaboratively students will be able to aim critical thinking and it will allow them to build their own criteria about different topics. Collaborative work brings many benefits for students and as teachers we must continue working hard in order to apply the best techniques that may benefit students' learning process. Based on the experience obtained during the three modules and after practicing and learning about each online tool, as well as the research done about the Importance of Collaborative Learning in Online Education, the team can assure that implementing collaborative activities and assignments in Online Education generate more student’s participation, motivation, and self-learning. Collaborative work brings many benefits to students and as future teachers we feel more than motivated to apply this important technique on each of our future classes.
The importance of collaborative learning in online education
(Universidad de El salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-05-15) Vargas de Martínez, Sofía lorena; Ramírez Hernández, Karla Raquel; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;
The purpose of this report is aimed to know what the Importance of Collaborative Learning in Online Education is. Collaborative learning has changed the learning environment in many positive ways. Teamwork and collaboration are essential in Today´s School. The team used all the online tools in a collaborative process to achieve the objectives and applications used during the three modules developed in the specialization “Administration of Virtual Environments for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning”. An important aspect is that by working collaboratively, students have the opportunity to develop their own ideas, sharing their opinions and creating their own learning. During this specialization the team practiced with all the online tools and applications that were learned during every session besides the different activities that allowed to work collaboratively and, as a benefit, it allowed to better understand the use of each online tool. By practicing activities collaboratively students will be able to aim critical thinking and it will allow them to build their own criteria about different topics. Collaborative work brings many benefits for students and as teachers we must continue working hard in order to apply the best techniques that may benefit students' learning process. Based on the experience obtained during the three modules and after practicing and learning about each online tool, as well as the research done about the Importance of Collaborative Learning in Online Education, the team can assure that implementing collaborative activities and assignments in Online Education generate more student’s participation, motivation, and self-learning. Collaborative work brings many benefits to students and as future teachers we feel more than motivated to apply this important technique on each of our future classes.